Port-Cros, the Island-forest; Porquerolles, a mediterranean tropical nature.

A day in Port-Cros or Porquerolles is a unique experience for sure. After the sea-crossing by boat, you'll be transported into island landscapes tinged with exoticism, combining wild nature and current or past human activity traces.
Port-Cros, the steeper one, can only be discovered by walk. Entirely covered with forests, its coasts are steep with a few beaches.
Porquerolles, more open, is a mix between forests and vineyards. Its northern coast, not really high, is formed with several big beaches bordered by a path, which constitutes a heaven of the bikes.

On the ground as at sea, everything is worthy of interest, on the condition of taking time to stop, to observe, to listen to … The National park is a space of discovery of a big diversity.. Certain points of view are however major.
Exceptional points of view, symbolic sites of the spirit of places.. Islands are invitations in the journey.
 Let be guided >>
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Port-Cros knew an industrial and agricultural past some tracks of which are still visible today. Aqueduct, ruins of farms, restanques, well, hide in the plant place setting.The Park restores some of these works, interesting witnesses of past.
About twenty batteries and forts are to be discovered in the natural harbour of Hyères. Around thirty remains of ships, isolated archaeological remains testify of the intense commercial activity existing since Antiquity between the various Mediterranean civilizations.
Museums and thematic houses >> Map >>

More the fauna and flora observation and the discovery of remarkable sites will have been prepared, more they will be enriching. Telescopes, binoculars, cameras, sketchbooks and notebooks are as many observation tools that assure wildlife privacy and landscape reading.
The Houses of the Park bring all information useful for the discovery of this prestigious territory by everyone. You will find one in each sector.
- a National Park’s spécific documentation will promote this thoughtful and attentive discovery, it offers:
- topographical maps;
- educational, scientific, interpretative-for-adults-and-children documents;
- beautiful books, posters and postcards...

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